Eclipse MDI Zero Bias Schottky Detectors are specifically designed for use in today’s high-performance microwave instrumentation and systems. Eclipse MDI ZBD detectors are designed for such applications as power measurements, analyzing radar performance, leveling pulsed signal sources, AM noise measurements, system monitoring and pulsed RF measurements in ultra-broadband and mm-Wave applications.
No Bias Required
Neg(-) Polarity Standard
Dynamic Range: -25 to +10 dBm
CW Application
Broadband Frequency Response
Low Cost QFN 4mm leadless RoHS package
Hermetically Sealed
Excellent VSWR
Voltage Sensitivity mV/mW open circuit @ 0.1-4.0 GHz: 500 typ.
Voltage Sensitivity Stability @ 0.1-4.0 GHz
over Temperature dB: 3.0 typ.
VSWR @ 0.1-4.0 GHz 1.5 typ.
Flatness @ 0.1-4.0 GHz dB: +/- 0.50 typ.
Polarity: Negative (-)
Video Capacitance pF: 20 typ.
Dynamic Range dBm @ 0.1-4.0 GHz -30 to +20